all postcodes in PR9 / SOUTHPORT

find any address or company within the PR9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR9 9AA 16 0 53.649495 -2.985954
PR9 9AB 26 1 53.648183 -2.981536
PR9 9AD 50 0 53.650376 -2.980422
PR9 9AE 17 0 53.646812 -2.983168
PR9 9AF 17 0 53.646973 -2.984322
PR9 9AG 16 0 53.646203 -2.985106
PR9 9AH 18 0 53.650526 -2.981908
PR9 9AJ 38 1 53.647363 -2.985103
PR9 9AN 31 0 53.648798 -2.984334
PR9 9AP 41 3 53.646066 -2.986419
PR9 9AQ 25 0 53.645463 -2.985406
PR9 9AS 8 0 53.650469 -2.994253
PR9 9AW 19 1 53.647362 -2.984028
PR9 9AY 20 0 53.650484 -2.995705
PR9 9AZ 26 1 53.649743 -2.994808
PR9 9BA 17 3 53.649375 -2.991731
PR9 9BB 23 0 53.650009 -2.990066
PR9 9BD 40 8 53.650666 -2.987797
PR9 9BG 33 0 53.650147 -2.994048
PR9 9BH 21 10 53.649856 -2.986885